The wine project is about what is possible. Expressing without barriers, we’ve thrown away context – and replaced it with a curiosity to know what is, to feel what happens when you dig deeper and get closer to the earth, when you sit right where you are. It is the culmination of a decade working with Orcas Island fruit and wanting more from less, naturally – it is the final expression of this very special fruit. We’ve added our labor and a desire to learn, coaxing with our hands and pivoting only as the fruit told us to.

We came to wine because we love to drink it. What started as a passion for all things bubbly became a love affair when we realized that dry vintage worthy wines could be made of apples, among other orchard bounty. We fell hard for the petillant natural style, which allowed the fruit, and the fruit alone, to shine, with nothing added. Naturally sparkling wine by definition, effortlessly simple in theory, is challenging to nail; we were hooked. We’ve worked with fruit for nearly 10 years, and share our jams, shrubs, and bitters on tables across the country. What started as a one woman operation now employs many full time & year around in our ‘jam factory’. We’re deeply involved in the agricultural community in these islands, and grateful to share the beauty of Orcas Island through food made with our own hands.

But what gets us to this day, as it did from day one, are the ‘old dames’ of Orcas – the vast old lady trees with roots burrowing for over a hundred years. Digging deep to survive and thrive. Creating year after challenging year to bring the harvest to our collective tables. These trees inspire. They move us. They remind us there is more to this than fruit, sugar, and copper pots… There is wine. 

We hope you join us at the table.

What is the fruit of the matter? The root of the root? Sitting on the soft ground, dangling close to the earth so close to the earth to be nearly flat upon it, we let it carry us. Trusting, with our fingers in the dirt.